Hydrogen Electric Bus Trial
The Tasmanian Government sees potential for Tasmania to be a major producer and exporter of green hydrogen. With funding provided by the Tasmanian Government, Metro’s Hydrogen Electric Bus trial will kick-start this emerging industry as Tasmania’s first project using green hydrogen. Three Hydrogen Electric Buses (HEBs) will operate across Metro’s southern network from early 2025 until June 2027. The trial will investigate how the HEBs perform over the full range of operating conditions experienced across the Hobart network. It will provide valuable insights, both for Metro and also for the broader emerging Tasmanian hydrogen industry.
Understanding Hydrogen Electric Buses
A Hydrogen Electric Bus (HEB), also known as a Fuel Cell Electric Bus (FCEB), has many similarities to a battery electric bus, including how it is operated, with the key difference being it uses hydrogen as the main energy source rather than rechargeable batteries. The key advantages of HEBs compared with BEBs are typically longer range (due to the higher energy density of hydrogen) and quicker refuelling times (comparable to a diesel bus). However, HEBs are currently relatively expensive, reflecting their additional complexity and the early stage of development of the hydrogen market.
What Powers a Hydrogen Electric Bus?
Like a Battery Electric Bus, a HEB is also powered by an electric motor, with hydrogen gas used as the fuel. The hydrogen is stored under high pressure in specially designed hydrogen tanks on the roof. The hydrogen is converted to electricity on board through a fuel cell, which combines the hydrogen with oxygen from the air in an electrochemical reaction to produce electricity and water. There is no combustion involved and the only ‘exhaust’ from the HEB tail pipe is water vapour. HEBs still have a battery (although smaller than in a BEB) which allows for regenerative braking and can provide an extra power boost when required.
How will the Hydrogen Electric Buses be refuelled?
Metro’s HEBs will be refuelled at a Hydrogen Refuelling Station (HRS), which will be installed at Metro’s Mornington depot. This will be the first HRS installed in Tasmania, and one of only a few so far installed in Australia, providing valuable experience and learning not just for Metro but for the emerging hydrogen industry. Hydrogen will be delivered by tube trailer to the HRS, with the tube trailer left on-site (and swapped over as required) to act as hydrogen storage.
Refuelling a bus from a hydrogen refuelling station is quite like refuelling from an LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) refuelling station. Both stations store their fuels in high-pressure tanks, dispense fuel by connecting a nozzle to the vehicle’s fuel tank, refuel a vehicle in a relatively short time, with HEB refuelling taking approximately 15 minutes; and have stringent safety protocols including automatic shut-off systems to ensure safe refuelling.
Why Are HEBs Good for Our Environment?
Since HEBs run on electricity, they don’t burn fuel or produce exhaust fumes. There are no associated greenhouse gas emissions, as the trial is using locally made ‘green hydrogen’ produced from Tasmanian renewable hydro, wind and solar energy. The electricity powers the electric motor, while the ‘exhaust’ is simply water vapour released as steam.
What’s the Ride Like?
Hop on a HEB and you might notice how quiet it is. HEB’s don’t have the rumble of a diesel engine, making for a smoother and quieter ride. Like other electric vehicles, they’re also known for their quick and smooth acceleration.
Are HEBs Safe?
Safety is a key priority for Metro. The HEBs used in the trial will be required to comply with appropriate regulations and standards, and appropriate maintenance and training arrangements will be in place to ensure the HEBs are safely operated.
Hydrogen has been used safely for many years across a range of applications. There are international, and an increasing number of national, standards, codes and regulations that relate specifically to the safe use of hydrogen in Hydrogen Electric Buses and in Hydrogen Refueling Stations. The Trials will need to meet the requirements of Tasmania’s gas safety regulator in the Department of Justice. This will include equipment supplier compliance with applicable standards, codes and regulations, and the development and implementation of comprehensive safety management plans, which will also be developed in consultation with the Tasmania Fire Service. Importantly, the Trials will provide the opportunity for regulatory authorities to further improve the robustness of our regulatory and safety frameworks for the emerging hydrogen industry.
Are HEBs Reliable?
HEBs are designed to handle various routes, from bustling city streets to quiet suburban roads. HEB’s have a long range, able to achieve approximately 400 km on a single 25 kg tank of hydrogen . Plus, with fewer moving parts than traditional engines, there’s less wear and tear, making them more reliable and easier to maintain. Part of this trial will provide valuable data on how our HEBs handle Hobart’s hilly terrain and Tasmania’s varying weather conditions.
Join Us on a HEB Journey!
Our three Hydrogen Electric Buses will be operating as part of Metro’s Hobart fleet across a range of routes and schedules, meaning many of our customers will get a chance to experience a HEB during normal commutes over the life of the trial. Keep an eye out for the big green buses on your next Metro journey!
Track our Hydrogen Electric Buses
Check back soon to see some of the real-time key performance measures from our Hydrogen Electric Bus trial, including distances travelled, carbon savings, and the locations of our buses.