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Trevallyn Primary School

General Access Services

Bus Route 150 operates between Launceston City and West Riverside via Trevallyn and Pitt Ave/

Join or alight services from bus stops in Gorge Rd near the shops or in Bald Hill Rd.


This page refers to services operated by Metro Tasmania only.

For details of services provided by other operators, including general access services, please consult the Department of State Growth website.


Route No.


Service Start


Schools Serviced
Trevallyn Primary School

Riverside, Trevallyn

Route map

8:20 Balmoral Ave West Riverside
8:24 Riverside Dr / Rannoch Ave
8:26 Pitt Ave / Pomona Rd
8:29 Coulter St / New World Ave
8:32 Reatta Rd
8:35 Gorge Rd outside Trevallyn Primary

Route No.


Service Start


Schools Serviced
Trevallyn Primary School

Trevallyn, Riverside

Route map

3:05 Gorge Rd outside Trevallyn Primary
3:08 Dandenong Rd / Delungra Rd
3:14 Coulter St / New World Ave
3:17 Reatta Rd
3:20 Pitt Ave / Pomona Rd
3:23 Balmoral Ave West Riverside