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R U OK? Day was a resounding success earlier this month, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our teams across the state.

Morning teas were hosted across Metro’s Hobart, Launceston and Burnie depots. It was fantastic to see so many people gathering together, taking time to check in with each other, grabbing some resources and good food, all while reaffirm the importance of mental health in our workplace.

Resources are available on the R U OK? Day website. The website has dedicated pages in six languages: Simplified Chinese (中文), Vietnamese (tiếng Việt), Greek (Ελληνικά), Arabic (العربية), Korean (한국어) and Hindi (हिन्दी). It is fantastic to see the hard work the R U OK? team put in to making resources as accessible as possible, and it was highly rewarding to see those the variety of resources used by our team members.

Metro regularly has experts in physical and mental wellbeing visiting our depots. We encourage all team members to get involved with our Live Better program, designed to help you meet your individual health needs. Team members can also reach out to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider, Converge, for both work-related and personal concerns.

R U OK? Day may be over, but let’s keep the conversation going and continue to support each other!