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Real time tracking for public transport in Tasmania Metro Tasmania has welcomed the Tasmanian Governments announcement of planned introduction of real time tracking for public transport in the state. Metro CEO Katie Cooper said she was delighted that real time tracking would become a reality for Tasmanian commuters before the end of the year. “We…

All public transportation fares are now half price, as of Saturday 1 June 2024. Adult, concession, urban, non-urban, child and student fares will be halved until 30 June 2025. Metro customers do not have to make any changes to receive half price fares. If paying with cash, our bus operators will charge the half price…

Have you noticed the “Get BusActive!” posters in our buses? They’re part of a study, conducted by the Menzies Institute for Medical Research. This research is all about uncovering the motivations behind bus travel and how it can positively impact physical activity. Originally launched as a pilot study in 2019, this initiative has now expanded…

At Metro, we work hard to keep Tasmania moving and, as a major user of Tasmanian roads, we’ve put together eight Bus Safety Tips to help keep you and our customers safe when sharing the roads with buses. We’re committed to doing our bit to help improve the safety of our roads for everyone.

Planning on travelling via Metro over the Easter period? See below for the timetables and opening hours our buses, Metro Shops and depots will be operating to between Friday 29 March to Wednesday 3 April. Friday 29 MarchSunday / Public Holiday TimetableMetro Shops closedInformation Hotline closed Saturday 30 MarchSaturday TimetableMetro Shops closedInformation Hotline closed Sunday…

Today marks a significant milestone for Metro with the launch of our Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Trial in Launceston.  Deputy Premier, Michael Ferguson MP, and Metro CEO, Katie Cooper, unveiled our four new Battery Electric Buses (BEBs), which begin passenger service in Launceston today, 25 January 2024.  Over the two-year trial, our BEBs will be…

It’s back to school time! Do you and your child know the Golden Rules for Riding a Bus? Here at Metro, the comfort and safety of our customers and bus operators is a priority. Anti-social behaviour is not ok it on a bus. It is everyone’s responsibility to model good behaviour on buses. Here are…

It’s back to school time!  Do you know which bus to catch? As you or your child get ready to return to school, it’s time to familiarise yourself with the routes and timetables of the Metro bus services you’ll take in 2024. Don’t worry — getting from A to B is easy! Planning your trip…