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Newstead College

General Access services Bus services operate along Elphin Rd on the following bus routes; Route 130 – Regular service, Launceston City to Waverley and St Leonards via Elphin Rd and Hoblers Bridge Rd Route 131 – Limited service, Launceston City to St Leonards via Penquite Rd Route 140 – Regular service, Launceston City to Youngtown…

This page refers to services operated by Metro Tasmania only. For details of services provided by other operators, including general access services, please consult the Department of State Growth website.

General Access Services Bus services operate on Routes 130, 131, and 140 along Elphin Rd between Launceston City and Newsetad, and on to St Leonards, Waverley, Norwood and Youngtown. Join or alight services from bus stops in; Elphin Rd near Claremont St (city-bound) Elphin Rd near Cypress St (out-bound)   This page refers to services…

General Access services Buses on Route 140 between Launceston City and Youngtown via Norwood operate regularly along Penquite Rd-Norwood Ave. Limited services on Route 131 between Launceston City and St Leonards operate along Penquite Rd. Join or alight services at the bus stop on Penquite Rd at Norwood Ave.   This page refers to services…