Welcome to the sixth bulletin about the Metro Tasmania – Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Trial. In this
bulletin we provide an overview of what the Battery Electric Bus (BEB) Trial will look like and the
activities that will be taking place over the next few months in preparation for the BEB Trial
commencing in November.
A quick recap on the BEB Trial – it will consist of four Custom Bus Group ‘Element 2’ model BEBs
operating across existing Metro routes in Launceston over a two year period, providing valuable
information and experience to inform the longer-term transition of Metro’s fleet to zero emission
The BEBs are currently being manufactured at Custom’s Sydney factory, with delivery of the first bus
expected in late October and all four BEBs expected to be ready for operational commencement of
the Trial in November. Thorough testing of the BEBs will be carried out by Metro prior to carrying
any passengers to ensure they meet all of Metro’s requirements. See below for an indication of what
the BEBs will look like (although they will have more distinctive zero-emission bus branding – watch
this space!).

Preparations are currently underway to arrange training for bus operators and for maintenance staff
for ‘diesel equivalent’ maintenance tasks. Specialised maintenance will be carried out by Custom Bus
Group, with opportunities for Metro maintenance staff to observe and learn about BEBs.
The BEBs will be charged by two ABB battery chargers installed at the Launceston Depot. The
chargers are already on site (boxed up on pallets) and will be installed by Cromarty (under subcontract to Custom) during September and October. This will also involve installing cabling from the
new main switchboard to the chargers. You will see some activity during the installation, however it
will be scheduled to minimise any disturbance to Metro’s daily operations.
The layout of the chargers and the location of the BEBs while they are being charged is outlined in
the diagram below.
After the BEBs have returned to the depot at the end of the day, they will be parked in their charging
location, and then connected to the chargers by contractors. The BEBs will charge overnight and be
disconnected from the chargers in the morning by Metro operations staff, ready for bus operators at
the start of their shift.
Keep an eye out for regular updates over the next few months as we get closer to starting the BEB
Trial and commencing Metro’s journey toward a lower emission future